Macehh sudi singgah
Anis Arissa

Roborovski Agouti

Let me introduce you to my adorable baby, "Tom and Jerry". Yes, I name them. They so cute innit?!! Both of them are Agouti Roborovski Hamster. They are the type that are not so friendly and hard to tame. But whose care, I love both of them. They cute. Period.
Good news is they can be tamed but it takes time. So you need to be patient. From my observe, they like to runaway from me when I want to hold them. They are the fastest species hamster. But I succeed in training them to eat from my hand. Need to train them more I guess.
How to distinguish between Tom and Jerry? Firstly based on their color on body, personally I see Tom color is a bit dull and dark brown compared to jerry. Jerry are more light brown color.  Another way to know them are by their behavior. Tom are more calm and relax when I pet him, he's not running and just enjoy being petted. While, jerry is easy to scared and like to hide.
Wanna meet Tom and Jerry? no thanks, I'm a paranoid parent haha jk

My Family


Honestly, I rarely exposed my family detail and photo toward others even post them on social media. For me its a no no because I don't want anybody to disturbed my privacy. I don't know but I don't like the idea that people stalking me (like in weird way), or know about me except those who I feel safe and close people. I just want to feel safe. We all deserved to feel safe and respected right? So this drawing is based on live event photo. and yes, also like chibi, the spirit is back at that time.
Yes I'm so crazy 😝

My Chibi

Today I feel like wanted to update my blog, so I decided to post this chibi. I made this chibi during RMCO (Recovery Movement Control Order). Well, I got the inspiration of drawing this chibi mostly from Pinterest and tumblr. However, I draw it more on my art style.
For me this chibi show the side of me that longing for drawing that drove me to sketch straight away. I can totally say that, when the spirit of doing so is calling me, I can make this drawing less than 24 hour. Yeah I even amaze by myself. Nevertheless if the spirit is nowhere to see, even sitting in front of the laptop is illogical haha. Now it's been totally a year I did not sketch at all as I was busy working. So will you wait for me?